"The groundwork of all happiness is health." - Leigh Hunt

How to Sleep Well Despite Chronic Pain

Chronic pain and insomnia are an unhealthy combination. According to the National Sleep Foundation, chronic pain disrupts the sleep of 1 in five Americans at the least a couple of nights every week. Whether it's from back problems, arthritis, or headaches, chronic pain puts you in double jeopardy: the pain robs you of restful sleep and makes you more drained, and thus more sensitive to pain. becomes

But you possibly can begin to interrupt this vicious cycle.

Try a “relaxing distraction.”

Dr. Glover recommends “relaxing distractions” to her patients. Some leisure techniques use basic rhythmic respiratory meditation. Others deal with guided imagery, during which you imagine being in a quiet, peaceful place. Find something that you just enjoy and that helps you go to sleep. You can watch these exercises on CD, or consider group or individual training or sleep education sessions.

Sleep is coming back.

For some people, chronic pain not only makes it difficult to sleep, but may disrupt sleep. Just changing position in bed can trigger pain from a back condition or arthritic knee.

One way is to take your pain medication before bed. Check together with your doctor to be certain that it matches into your treatment plan. If the pain wakes you up in the course of the night, first try meditation, visualization, or any relaxing distraction you want. But if that doesn't work, getting as much as read a book in a quiet room with low lighting can assist you get back to sleep. Avoid loud noises and vivid lights (ie TVs, smartphones, tablets and computers).

It can also be essential to remain on a daily sleep schedule. Go to bed at the identical time every night and irrespective of how the night goes, stand up at the identical time the following day and not sleep until bedtime. It helps set your internal sleep clock and enhances your natural sleep drive.

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