"The groundwork of all happiness is health." - Leigh Hunt

Benefits similar to mental stimulation and social engagement are related to stopping chronic disease. Photo: © Rawpixel/Getty Images ...

Good posture can be vital during exercise. A fast posture check before and through your core exercise routine ...

News briefs Photo: © Steve Debenport/Getty Images Regular exercise provides powerful protection against falls in older adults. This ...

In newspapers If heart disease runs in your loved ones, improving your fitness could also be a fantastic ...

We are within the midst of an obesity epidemic within the United States. Currently 40 percent of adults ...

Do you sometimes feel like an energizer bunny with a weak battery? You start out strong, but by ...

If weight training (also often called strength or resistance training) makes you think that of bodybuilders lifting heavy ...

When milliseconds can mean the difference between silver and gold, endurance athletes in sports like marathon running, cycling, ...

News briefs Photo: © mheim3011/Getty Images Not getting enough exercise? You're not alone, suggests a report published online ...

The research we're taking a look at. Photo: © RoBeDeRo/Getty Images Good news for urban dwellers: The cardiovascular ...