"The groundwork of all happiness is health." - Leigh Hunt

Which pathogen could cause the following pandemic? How Scientists Are Preparing for 'Disease X'

Before the COVID pandemic, the World Health Organization (WHO) had Made a list Priority Infectious Diseases. They were recognized as a global public health threat, but where research was still needed to enhance their monitoring and assessment. In 2018, “Disease Xwas added, indicating that a pathogen that was not previously on our radar could cause a pandemic.

While it's one thing to acknowledge the boundaries of our knowledge concerning the microbial soup we live in, recent attention has focused on how we will systematically approach future pandemic threats. can

Former US Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld Popularly referred to as “known knowns” (things we all know we all know), “known unknowns” (things we all know we don't know) and “unknown unknowns” (things we don't know we don't know). known about).

While this may increasingly be controversial within the actual context of weapons of mass destruction, it provides. A way of thinking about How can we cope with future pandemic threats?

Influenza: a 'well-known'

Influenza is essentially a widely known entity. We mainly have a minor pandemic every winter with small changes within the virus yearly. But more drastic changes may occur, leading to the spread of pre-existing immunocompromised populations. We saw this as recently as 2009 Swine flu epidemic.

However, we don't understand much about what drives influenza mutations, how these interact with population-level immunity, and easy methods to best predict transmission, severity, and impact from yr to yr. are going

The current H5N1 subtype of avian influenza (“bird flu”) has spread worldwide widely. This led to deaths Several million It spread to birds and plenty of mammal species. Including cows and within the United States Marine mammals in South America.

Human affairs It has been reported Among individuals who have had close contact with infected animals, fortunately there's currently no everlasting spread between people.

However, detecting influenza in animals in a big country like Australia is a large task. System in place Detection and response to bird flu in wildlife and production animals.

Scientists are always monitoring a spread of pathogens with potential epidemics.
Edward Jenner/Pixels

It is inevitable that there shall be more influenza pandemics in the long run. But that's not at all times what we're concerned about.

The focus has been on avian influenza since 1997, when an outbreak occurred in birds. Hong Kong Causes severe disease in humans. But later Pandemic in 2009 Born in pigs in central Mexico.

Corona Virus: A 'Known Unknown'

Although Rumsfeld didn't speak about “unknowns,” the coronavirus would fit that category. We knew more concerning the coronavirus than most individuals would have thought before the COVID pandemic.

We have experienced severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) and Middle Eastern respiratory syndrome (MERS) causing large-scale outbreaks. Both are brought on by viruses. closely related SARS-CoV-2, the coronavirus that causes COVID. Although they could have faded from public consciousness before COVID, coronaviruses were documented in 2015. WHO list with epidemic potential.

Previous research into earlier coronaviruses proved crucial in allowing the rapid development of a Covid vaccine. For example, the early work of the Oxford Group A MERS vaccine AstraZeneca was key to the event of the COVID vaccine.

Similarly, previous research into the structure of Spike protein – a protein on the surface of the coronavirus that enables it to connect to our cells – was instrumental in developing an mRNA vaccine for COVID.

It seems likely that there shall be more coronavirus pandemics in the long run. And even in the event that they aren't on the dimensions of COVID, the consequences could possibly be significant. For example, when MERS broke out in South Korea in 2015, there have been 186 cases in only two months, but the associated fee of control was 8 billion USD is estimated. (A$11.6 billion).

Corona virus statistics on screen.
COVID may be considered a 'known unknown'.
Marcus Space/Pixels

25 Viral families: an approach to 'known unknowns'

Attention now shifts to the known unknown. There are about 120 viruses. 25 families which cause human diseases. Members of every viral family share common characteristics and our immune system responds to them in an identical way.

Here is an example. flavivirus familyof which probably the most famous members are yellow fever virus and dengue fever virus. This Family is included Several other essential viruses, equivalent to the Zika virus (which may cause Birth defects when pregnant women are infected) and West Nile virus (which causes Encephalitisor inflammation of the brain).

WHO Outline of Epidemiological Diseases The aim is to contemplate threats from different classes of viruses and bacteria. It treats individual pathogens as examples of every category to systematically expand our understanding.

The US National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases has gone a step further and compiled an inventory of vaccines and coverings. Prototype pathogens from major virus families. The goal is to give you the option to adapt this data to latest vaccines and coverings should a pandemic arise from a closely related virus.

Pathogen X, 'Unknown Unknown'

Unknowns are also unknowns, or “Disease X“- an unknown pathogen with the potential to cause a severe global pandemic. To prepare for this, we'd like to adopt latest types of surveillance especially given where latest pathogens may emerge.

In recent years, there was recognition that we'd like to take a broader view of health, not only eager about human health, but additionally animals and the environment. This concept is referred to as “A healthand considers issues equivalent to climate change, intensive agricultural practices, exotic animal trade, human encroachment on wildlife habitats, changes in international travel, and urbanization.

This There are implications Not just for where to look for brand new infectious diseases, but additionally how we will reduce the danger of “spillover” from animals to humans. This may include Targeted testing of animals and other people who work with animals. Currently, testing is primarily directed toward known viruses, but New technologies As yet unknown viruses may be present in patients with symptoms consistent with a brand new infection.

We live in an enormous world of potential microbiological threats. While influenza and coronaviruses have a track record of past pandemics, a protracted list of latest pathogens can still cause outbreaks with significant consequences.

Continued surveillance for brand new pathogens, improving our understanding of essential virus families, and developing policies to scale back the danger of spillover will all be critical to reducing the danger of future pandemics.