"The groundwork of all happiness is health." - Leigh Hunt

Social media can hinder young people from discovering who they need to be. Banning it until 16 is an excellent idea.

In recent months, a variety of politicians have Support calls Australia bans social media for youngsters under 16 Currently, children under 13 aren’t allowed to make use of social media.

There is a few research that means that social media could be helpful for some young people, for instance, to attach with Like-minded colleagues.

That said, there are lots of reasons for this proposed change. The most compelling evidence is what appears to be inappropriate. Screen time And Use of social media are linked to poor mental health in children and young people, incl Depression and anxiety.

Excessive use or misuse of social media can harm many areas of psychological well-being. But, as an adolescent development specialist, I'm on the lookout for something that's often neglected: Identity development.

Identity development has long been considered a core psychological enterprise. of youth. You resolve who you’re, what you should be, what core values ​​you stand for and what you wish from life as you progress into maturity. But can social media thwart this process?

Developing an identity

Between about 11 and 15 years of age, the human brain is formed. Rapidly sensitive On attention and feedback from peers. The parts of the brain answerable for perspective, decision-making, critical considering, and self-control don’t fully mature until an individual's early to mid-20s.

Teenagers have at all times compared themselves to others. They seek validation from their peers as they explore their values, develop their personalities, and strive to specific themselves. But social media has provided a platform for teenagers – especially those high in FOMO, or Fear of missing out – to learn the way they compare to many others, including appropriately named “influencers”.

It could be difficult for an adolescent to develop a transparent sense of self after they are continuously comparing themselves to and following others.

Likewise, young persons are forming lots of their opinions based on what they see on social media. An individual's tendency to adapt to other people's opinions is usually known as “The bandwagon effect

While a number of social media content could be harmless, social media – like the true world – have gotten increasingly political. PolarizedWith little tolerance for opposing views.

Some teenagers may find themselves clinging to the ideals they’re fed. Marketing Algorithms. And we all know the youth. can become fundamentalists. through social media.

Living in public circles

Who are you? How do you see yourself? Are you an identical person in public, in private, with friends, family or at work? Would you truthfully confess your deepest feelings to a co-worker, friend, and even your partner? What do you concentrate on yourself?

Harry Triandis, a psychological researcher who died in 2019, proposed a distinction between the “public” and the “private” self. That we are all embodied.. Most people can relate to keeping their true opinions or values ​​to themselves when in public or in an unknown group of individuals.

Once we’re sure that our speech style and core value system is not going to be misunderstood, we start Express yourself little by little. This process is the muse of friendship. And it is just in our most intimate relationships that we fully reveal ourselves.

Ask yourself, what shameful beliefs have you ever harbored throughout your life, especially in your teenage years when your mind was still developing? Perhaps you held certain stereotypes or prejudices that you simply now find embarrassing?

Your personal self is the muse for quiet reflection, learning and changing your mind. But nowadays we see young people playing out their entire lives in the general public arena – essentially skipping that step.

Not only are they forming lots of their opinions based on what they see on social media, but they are sometimes broadcasting them immediately online. Later, they could be forced to defend those views.

Many young people spend a number of time online.

In a 24/7 virtual world, today's youth have less opportunity to think critically about what they see online, to self-reflect, explore and alter their minds. There is little room to make mistakes, test boundaries, explore ideas and analyze information to create your personal identity.

These concerns are amongst the explanations many medical professionals, parents and politicians alike need to. Limit access to social media. For children.

Although social media can have harmful effects on people over the age of 16, early adolescence is a crucial time for an adolescent's identity and self-development.

Research has shown identity disturbance in adolescence—essentially an unstable sense of self—is a powerful predictor. Personality disorder As adults we don't yet fully understand what life on social media does to develop identity, nevertheless it's vital that we proceed to explore this area.