"The groundwork of all happiness is health." - Leigh Hunt

Skin within the Game: Common Skin Problems and Solutions for Men

When I used to be on the junior varsity basketball team in highschool, I wasn't surprised once I developed a case of athlete's foot. After all, I used to be an “athlete,” so I assumed it was an indication of dedication and labor.

I used to be shocked when my mother told me the reality: it was attributable to poor foot hygiene, not my dribbling skills.

Fast forward nearly 4 many years, and I'm pretty serious about skincare. Still, sometimes I actually have skin problems, as do many men. Here's a have a look at two common problems and solutions — plus advice to enable you to avoid getting them.

Dry skin

Symptoms of dry skin include itchy patches (with or without redness), itching, and overall dryness. You can get dry skin year-round—from the scorching heat of summer to the bitter cold of winter. Sun exposure damages the skin, making it thinner and fewer more likely to retain moisture over time. Also, aging skin produces less of the natural oils that keep the skin lubricated.


If you’ve got dry skin, the primary line of defense is a moisturizer that softens and smoothes the skin with water and lipids (fats). Some moisturizers attract water to the skin and lock it in. Others coat the skin with a thick, impermeable layer to stop moisture loss.

  • petroleum jelly. This waxy, greasy substance prevents dehydration without clogging pores. It might be used by itself but can also be an ingredient in lots of moisturizers and ointments. Since petroleum jelly doesn’t contain water, it’s best used when the skin continues to be locked in moisture after bathing.
  • mineral oil. Mineral oil has the identical effect but without the greasy feeling. It must also be used when the skin is damp.
  • Moisturizing lotions and creams. These products contain each water and oil. They are less greasy and more cosmetically appealing than petroleum jelly or oil. Look for moisturizers with a minimum of one among the next ingredients: glycerin, urea, pyroglutamic acid, sorbitol, lactic acid, lactate salts, or alpha hydroxy acids.


Try just a few changes to assist prevent dry skin.

  • Add moisture to the air with a humidifier or pan of water above the radiator.
  • In the shower or bath, use lukewarm water (hot water can strip the skin of its natural oils and dry it out).
  • Choose soaps that will not be abrasive or irritating. High-fat soaps or cleansing bars are less drying than regular, liquid or antibacterial soaps.
  • To retain the water your skin absorbs during a shower or shower, apply a gel, oil or moisturizer immediately after.

Athlete's foot

Athlete's foot is attributable to dermatophytes, a bunch of fungi on the surface of the skin. Telltale symptoms include severe itching. Cracked, blistered, or peeling areas of skin, especially between the toes; and redness and scaling on the soles.

Dermatophytes thrive in warm, moist environments comparable to pools, showers and locker rooms where people walk barefoot. The warm, moist environment of sweaty socks and shoes encourages them to grow.


If you’ve got athlete's foot, first try an over-the-counter antifungal ointment, cream, or powder, comparable to clotrimazole (Lotrimin AF, Mycilex, generic), terbinafine (Lamisil AT, Silica,) or miconazole (Lotrimin A). F spray, Mecatin). The infection can take weeks to recuperate, and reoccurrence is common. If symptoms don’t improve after several weeks, seek the advice of a health care provider, who may prescribe antifungal tablets.


Keeping feet clean and dry is the very best technique to prevent athlete's foot. Also, do the next:

  • Wash your feet thoroughly daily, and wear a pair of socks after bathing or showering.
  • Take the time to dry your feet thoroughly after bathing, showering or swimming (including each foot and particularly the webbed area between the toes).
  • Wear flip-flops or sandals around public pools and in gym locker rooms and showers.
  • Wear sweat absorbent socks.
  • Do not wear the identical shoes two days in a row. Allow 24 hours between wearing shoes to permit them to air out and dry.