"The groundwork of all happiness is health." - Leigh Hunt

Many people within the Pacific would not have access to proper toilets – and climate change makes the situation worse.

Pacific islands may conjure up images of expansive beaches and picturesque landscapes. But despite the fact that this a part of the world looks like paradise, many locals are affected by a serious public health problem.

across Pacific nationsApprox Half a million people Living in informal urban settlements with an absence of adequate sanitation, which can include difficult access to functioning toilets.

It affects health, well-being, education and livelihood. Especially for womenchildren, elderly people, etc Persons with disabilities.

Our recent research was published within the journal Nature. NPJ clean waterexamined the state of sanitation in several informal urban settlements in two Pacific countries – Fiji and Vanuatu. Our findings suggest that it is a problem that needs urgent attention.

Research on Earth

We partnered with researchers from the University of the South Pacific to survey households and inspect sanitation infrastructure. Our team surveyed 393 households in nine informal urban settlements within the capital cities of Fiji (Suva) and Vanuatu (Port Vila).

This Settlements develop. When people decide on vacant land that will not be planned for housing, often attributable to an absence of inexpensive housing options. Informal urban settlements often lack access to essential services and infrastructure comparable to sewage systems, electricity, closed roads and garbage collection.

We identified that although piped water is accessible, most households (starting from 56% to 100% in each settlement) still depend on unsafe sanitation to administer human waste. Many people use poorly constructed dry pits – for instance, pedestals over holes in the bottom – or cesspits. These toilets haven't any plumbing and no running water is used for flushing. All are onsite (in or adjoining to the house), meaning the waste, treated or untreated, stays within the settlement.

Our team inspected sanitation infrastructure in nearly 400 households in Vanuatu (pictured) and Fiji.
Benny Jose Rousseau

On top of on a regular basis challenges, we found that one in three households lose access to a working toilet during heavy rain, storms or floods. Dry pit systems suffer 4 to eight times more damage than water-based systems in the identical settlements during climate events.

We also found protected waste management, particularly from septic tanks and pits, to be significant challenges for residents. Even when latrines can be found and functioning well, there is commonly no protected and sustainable method to handle the waste that accumulates in pits and tanks.

In many cases, the sludge is either dumped in open areas within the settlement, into local rivers, or falls into the bottom. It can contaminate water sources and pose serious environmental and public health risks.

Further, we found that storms and heavy rains damage sewage systems, causing excess runoff and contaminating water supplies.

Vulnerable communities

A body of water with houses.
There are significant challenges in waste management.
Benny Jose Rousseau

Melanesian countries including Vanuatu and Fiji are particularly so. Susceptible to extreme climate hazardsThis makes it essential that the sanitation infrastructure in informal urban settlements can address them. Environmental hazards.

Poor sanitation in these areas leads to proliferation Diseases like DiarrheaIntestinal worms and trachoma. Studies show that improving water and sanitation systems can significantly reduce the percentages. Childhood death and deaths from diarrhea specifically.

Estimates from the World Health Organization and UNICEF indicate this. Less than 3% Urban populations in Fiji and Vanuatu use unimproved or unsafe sanitation – that's, sanitation wherein human waste will not be safely incorporated, treated and disposed of.

These figures are in stark contrast to our finding that the majority households in informal urban settlements depend on unsafe sanitation. This highlights the necessity for higher monitoring strategies that distinguish informal settlements from formally planned areas.

How can we solve this problem?

Toilets alone won't solve the issue. Communities need a holistic approach that addresses sanitation management at every stage. This will involve constructing a whole service chain that ensures reliable waste removal, treatment and disposal, and that's resilient to disasters.

This means constructing local expertise, supporting local service providers, ensuring that systems are well maintained, and promoting community ownership of those systems to ensure long-term sustainability.

A toilet block outside with mountains and trees behind.
We found that the majority households in informal urban settlements depend on unsafe sanitation.
Benny Jose Rousseau

In informal settlements, providing these services is rather more difficult than in formal urban areas, largely attributable to insecure land tenure and limited access to adequate infrastructure, which adds complexity to service providers.

However, with a significant slice of the Pacific urban population Living in informal settlementsFinding effective ways to administer sanitation safely These communities is mandatory.

gave Sixth Sustainable Development Goal Aim to offer clean water and sanitation for all. Addressing the sanitation crisis within the Pacific Islands is about protecting health, restoring dignity, supporting livelihoods, and constructing resilience at the extent of households and communities, that are on the forefront of an increasingly uncertain future. .