"The groundwork of all happiness is health." - Leigh Hunt

Dreaming of a great night's rest

Sleep problems are a quite common reality for many older men. They can have trouble falling asleep, or get up several times in the course of the night, or have to sleep in the course of the day to combat fatigue.

Some of those sleep problems are age-related. For example, older adults often sleep less deeply and wake more easily than younger people. They might also take certain medications which have unwanted effects that disrupt sleep.

Older adults are also more prone to have conditions that affect sleep, resembling sleep apnea (where you experience short pauses in respiration several times in the course of the night) and insomnia. Chain legs syndrome (an uncontrollable urge to maneuver the legs).

Rest and renew.

Adequate sleep is as necessary as food plan and exercise for optimal health. When you sleep, your body's cells repair and recharge themselves, so you're feeling energized the subsequent day. Sleep also clears toxins from the brain, keeping your brain sharp.

Healthy sleep also means uninterrupted sleep. night's rest consists of completing 4 to 5 consecutive sleep cycles. Each cycle includes periods of REM (rapid eye movement) sleep, whenever you dream, and non-REM sleep, when you've deep, dreamless sleep.

“If your sleep is interrupted or broken, you may lose non-REM or part of REM sleep,” says Dr. Batul Anwar.

Healthy sleep results in a healthy mind.

Fragmented sleep may result in a better risk of Alzheimer's disease. A study published online on September 3, 2020 Current biology measured the sleep quality of adults of their 60s and 70s in a lab during eight hours of sleep and periodically measured beta-amyloid protein of their brains with PET scans over several years. (A build-up of beta-amyloid has been linked to Alzheimer's disease.) People with poor sleep quality even have higher levels of beta-amyloid. More restful sleepers had lower levels.

Pillow talk

If you think that you've a sleep problem, see your doctor. Otherwise, the next strategies can assist your sleep cycle run easily.

Review your medications. Diuretics (water pills) used to manage blood pressure could make you get up to make use of the toilet. Some antidepressants cause daytime sleepiness and make it difficult to go to sleep at night. “Consult your doctor about possibly changing the medication, reducing the dose, or taking it at a different time, such as at night instead of in the morning,” says Dr. Batul Anwar. .

Watch your nap. Regular naps reduce fatigue and increase alertness and mood. But should you take them later within the day, they also can interfere together with your sleep cycle. “Schedule them during a specific time of day, such as early to late afternoon,” says Dr. Batul Anwar. Take a 15- to 20-minute nap (set a timer to be sure that you're not oversleeping). Sleeping too long could make you're feeling irritable.

Set the stimulus cutoff. For example, don't watch TV or use the pc for at the very least an hour before bed. If your bladder often wakes you up, don't drink any liquids for at the very least two hours beforehand. Also, avoid caffeine at the very least three hours before bed. Caffeine reaches its peak in your body inside an hour of consumption, however it takes three to 5 hours for half of it to be eliminated. Although regular exercise can assist with sleep quality, exercising inside three hours of bedtime can disrupt sleep.

Create a sleep routine. Go to bed at the identical time, and provides yourself about an hour before bedtime for bedtime rituals like showering, brushing your teeth, and putting on comfortable pajamas. “This structure teaches your body and mind how to wind down properly, making it easier to fall and sleep,” says Dr. Batul Anwar.

Create a cushty sleeping arrangement. Make sure the bedroom is dark and funky. Listen to the relaxing sound machine. Or wear eyeshades or earplugs should you're sensitive to light or noise. Buy latest sheets and pillows. Also, don't place any stimulating electronics resembling TVs, computers or phones within the bedroom.

Set a closing date. If you don't go to sleep inside about 20 minutes, don't lie awake in bed. “This can make insomnia worse,” says Dr. Batul Anwar. Go to a different room and skim or hearken to relaxing music. “But don't watch TV or the computer or anything that's stimulating,” says Dr. Batul Anwar. When you're feeling rested, try to return to sleep.

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