"The groundwork of all happiness is health." - Leigh Hunt

Diabetes drug metformin reduces long-COVID risk, study shows

May 12, 2023 – Metformin, a drug commonly used to treat type 2 diabetes, significantly reduces an individual’s risk of developing Long COVID after infection, in keeping with a study published in The lancet.

Study participants who took metformin were greater than 40% less prone to develop long COVID than those that received a placebo, the researchers found. Study participants who began taking metformin lower than 4 days after their COVID symptoms began reduced their risk of long COVID by 63%.

“The results of this study are important because Long COVID can have a significant impact on people’s lives,” said Dr. Carolyn Bramante, lead researcher and assistant professor on the University of Minnesota Medical School, in a Press release. “Metformin is an inexpensive, safe and widely available drug and its use as a preventive measure could have significant public health implications.”

The study involved greater than 1,200 randomly chosen people at six sites within the United States. They received metformin or a placebo, while one other subgroup of participants received ivermectin, fluvoxamine, or their placebos. Participants were between 30 and 85 years old and were considered obese or obese. Half were vaccinated and none had previously been infected with COVID.

According to the study, ivermectin and fluvoxamine made no difference in individuals who developed long COVID.

Metformin is sold under the brand names Fortamet, Glucophage, Glumetza and Riomet.

A simulator developed by the University of Minnesota Medical School's Department of Biomedical Engineering and College of Science and Engineering predicted the effectiveness of metformin, the university's press release said. The simulator had previously successfully predicted the failure of hydroxychloroquine and the success of remdesivir before the outcomes of clinical trials on those drugs were announced.

The study team said more research is required to find out whether metformin works in individuals with previous COVID infections or in individuals with lower body mass index.

People with Long COVID often experience symptoms weeks or months after infection. The most typical Long COVID symptoms were severe fatigue, difficulty concentrating, muscle pain and shortness of breath.