October 25, 2023 – Daycare centers usually are not significant sources of COVID-19 transmission, in accordance with a brand new study.
Researchers on the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine say children with COVID-19 may very well be treated like children with similar respiratory illnesses.
“We need to have an open discussion at the national level about the benefit of recommending SARS-CoV-2 testing for every child with respiratory symptoms enrolled in a child care program,” said lead writer Timothy Shope, MD, of the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center , in a single Press release.
“No one wants to give up control of the SARS-CoV-2 spread, but the focus on testing and long exclusion periods for children in daycare appears unnecessary while exposing families to the costs of frequent testing, absence from work and lost wages.” and the lack of education and socialization for youngsters,” he said.
The study was published in JAMA network opened.
It has been determined that children in day care centers don’t spread COVID-19 to significant levels to caregivers or other children within the facilities or to people they live with.
The CDC currently suggests testing children with nasal congestion, runny nose or other respiratory symptoms for COVID-19, the discharge said. If the test result’s positive, it’s best to stay at home for not less than five days.
“For flu and respiratory syncytial virus – equally serious respiratory viruses that more commonly infect and spread amongst children in daycare centers – it is strongly recommended that the kid return to the daycare center when symptoms have resolved and she or he has been fever-free for twenty-four hours,” it said in it says.
Researchers tracked 83 children in 11 day care centers in two cities and their household contacts (118 adults and 16 children), in addition to 21 adult child care providers. The research ran from April 22, 2021 to March 31, 2022. Participants were tested weekly and kept symptom diaries.
Within the centers, transmission rates were only 2 to three%.
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