"The groundwork of all happiness is health." - Leigh Hunt

Chris Hoy reveals he has terminal cancer – find out how to spot the early signs of prostate cancer

Sir Chris Hoy, an inspiration to a lot of us, It has just been revealed He has terminal prostate cancer. Only 48 years old.

It is straightforward to think that prostate cancer is a disease that only affects older men. But It can strike at any ageincluding young and middle-aged men.

Although the typical age of The diagnosis is 68., One in ten new cases Among men under 55 years of age. young men in recent times. If you're in your 40s or 50s, it's necessary to know the risks and symptoms of prostate cancer.

When prostate cancer occurs in younger men, it's More aggressive. If you're diagnosed at a young age, the cancer is more more likely to develop. A more advanced stage. This means it could be more dangerous than prostate cancer in older men. That is why it's important. Grab it quick if you happen to can.

There are many. Signs which can indicate prostate cancer. Affected people may feel like they'll the toilet. More frequentlySpecifically At night. Some people can have difficulty starting or stopping urination, or their urine stream could also be weak or stop.

Some men see. Blood in their urine or money. Erectile dysfunction, pain when urinating, or pain in your pelvic area are other possible symptoms.

If you notice any of those, it's idea to confer with your doctor. Remember, these symptoms will be attributable to many other conditions, including as a part of normal aging, but they're at all times It is better to check them..

Even if you happen to don't have symptoms, if you've a family history of prostate cancer over the age of fifty, or over 45, it's value talking to your doctor about prostate cancer screening. In this case, you'd have heard. The PSA test. This is one Blood test which may also help diagnose prostate problems, including cancer. But it will not be offered as a routine screening test for everybody.

Like many diagnostic tests, the PSA test will not be perfect. It may miss some cancers, and sometimes it says cancer could also be present. When there isn't. Can lead it Unnecessary worry And more tests. Also, it might't tell the difference Slow growing cancer The ones that never cause problems and the more aggressive ones that require treatment. This is why doctors recommend discussing the test before deciding to do it.

Sometimes there may be one Genetic factor For prostate cancer in young men. There are genes that Increased risk of prostate cancerand the identical or Similar genes Increases the danger of other cancers reminiscent of breast cancer.

If many men in your loved ones are affected by prostate cancer, or Male relatives with breast cancer or younger persons are affected, it's value getting a genetic test to grasp your individual risk.

Sometimes persons are mistaken for one. Prostatectomywhich suggests removing one's prostate, to cut back the danger of cancer The latter occurs. In the longer term, these will probably be genetic tests As much as possiblewhich is sweet news.

A health care provider points out the walnut-sized prostate gland on an anatomical model.
Daria Artemenko / Alamy Stock Photo

Over assessment

One of the difficult things about prostate cancer screening known as overdiagnosis. Many prostate cancers grow so slowly that they never cause problems. But once they're found, men often need to treat them.

It can result in unwanted side effects that affect quality of life, regardless that the cancer itself can Never been harmful. This is why doctors are careful about how they Approach screening and assessment.

something Research suggests that only Keeping track of things Better for older people, but probably not for young people.

You could also be occupied with other prostate cancer tests. A digital rectal exam, where a physician checks your prostate with a gloved finger, was a standard a part of screening. These days, this will not be at all times considered essential, especially if other tests reminiscent of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans are performed are available.

MRI scans where you often go right into a narrow tube are getting used increasingly to search for prostate cancer. They may also help locate suspicious areas and guide biopsies if needed.

Hoy's first thought was that something was improper when he got ready. Shoulder painThat is, the cancer had already spread. We see it as a gynecologist, but typically, it's localized to the prostate gland within the pelvis.

If you're diagnosed with prostate cancer, there are increasing numbers Treatment Options available. These may include having a A closer look at slow-growing cancer Without immediate treatmentSurgery to remove the prostate, radiation therapy, hormone therapy, or Chemotherapy For advanced cases.

We have now also targeted pills. The most suitable option will depend on things like your age, the progression of the cancer, and your overall health.

You can have heard that more men die from prostate cancer than from it. While that is true, it doesn't mean you need to ignore any of your concerns. Early detection and treatment will be critical, especially for more aggressive cancers.

If you're concerned about any symptoms or risk of prostate cancer, don't hesitate to confer with your doctor. Being proactive about your health is very important. Remember, many men diagnosed with prostate cancer live long, full lives, especially when it's caught early.