"The groundwork of all happiness is health." - Leigh Hunt

CDC issues broad warning after recent case of human bird flu

April 8, 2024 – After the confirmed case of Bird flu At a dairy farmer in Texas last week, the CDC issued a broad warning for people to take precautions when working around birds or other animals that might be infected with the doubtless dangerous virus.

The CDC beneficial the use of non-public protective equipment resembling masks and eye protection for anyone who may come into contact with sick or dead animals suspected or confirmed to be infected with the virus often called A(H5N1). So far, the virus has been confirmed in wild animals resembling foxes, bears, seals and sea lions, in addition to domesticated animals resembling pets resembling cats and dogs, farmed minks and foxes, and cattle resembling goats and cows.

In his new advice The CDC told medical and public health experts that the danger of a human contracting bird flu is rare, but “unprotected contact with an infected animal or an environment in which infected birds or other animals are or have been present , can pose a danger.” Danger of infection.”

Since 1997, human cases of bird flu have been confirmed in 23 countries, and those cases resulted in death in more than half of the cases, the CDC alert said. The virus has been confirmed in wild birds in all 50 states since 2022, and outbreaks in commercial or backyard poultry flocks have been confirmed in 48 states over the past two years. The Texas dairy farmer is the second human case in the United States. In 2022, there was one human case in Colorado that was linked to contact with poultry.

“Human infections with avian influenza A viruses can occur if enough viruses get into a person’s eyes, nose, or mouth, or are inhaled,” the CDC warning says.

The dairy farmer was not hospitalized, reported eye symptoms known as conjunctivitis and was treated with antiviral medications, according to the CDC Press release. Genetic testing of cows and farmers linked the infection. The person in Colorado confirmed that bird flu was reported slight tiredness for a few days and recovered.

In addition to caution when handling dead or potentially sick birds or animals, the CDC urged people “to not devour uncooked or undercooked foods or related uncooked food products, resembling unpasteurized (raw) milk or raw cheese, from animals with suspected or confirmed illnesses.” “Avian flu. It is secure to devour commercially produced dairy products, the CDC said, since the milk is pasteurized before entering the market and this process kills bacteria and viruses. Poultry products which have been properly handled and cooked (to an internal temperature of 165 Degrees Fahrenheit) are also secure because this temperature ensures that bacteria and viruses are killed, in accordance with the CDC devices.

The CDC continues to rate the general risk to humans of contracting bird flu as low.