"The groundwork of all happiness is health." - Leigh Hunt

The research we're taking a look at. Intermittent fasting—the practice of going without food or drink for set ...

In newspapers According to an observational study, consuming a small amount of olive oil every day may show ...

Fiber is thought to maintain your digestive system healthy and lower levels of cholesterol. Now, study results suggest ...

Misconceptions about obesity are common. For example, many individuals consider that if obese people simply use extra willpower ...

There are several reliable ways to shed some pounds. A comparatively recent approach called intermittent fasting (also often ...

Question I take hypertension medication and monitor my blood pressure. But what is taken into account normal seems ...

If you eat a variety of vegetables, legumes, and fruits, you're probably getting enough potassium in your eating ...

Want to shake up your exercise routine? You should want to consider hybrid exercise training, which mixes heart-pumping ...

Dr. Thomas Sy had performed weight reduction surgery on the radiant woman in front of him just six ...

We all need to protect our hearts and minds. But how often do you concentrate on protecting your ...