"The groundwork of all happiness is health." - Leigh Hunt

A versatile approach to stretching

As you age, flexibility may decrease and your risk of injury may increase. A day by day stretching routine may also help.

As you age, it's normal to be shorter. Your muscles contract and your tendons lose water, which makes your body stiffer. But add in less activity than a sedentary lifestyle and your lack of flexibility can get even worse.

This lack of flexibility can increase your risk of strains and other injuries, and might add difficulty with on a regular basis movements reminiscent of reaching a high shelf, turning to look behind you in a automobile, raising your arms, Climbing stairs, or sitting or bending over to lift. something up.

The excellent news is that it's never too late to slow or reverse the lack of elasticity. “You just need to approach your flexibility like any other aspect of your health,” says Dr. Elson.

The principal areas of concern for persons are the hips, legs, lower back, and shoulders and chest. “These are the areas you rely on most when you're doing normal movement, and they're the areas that suffer the most damage when you're sedentary,” says Dr. Elson. Allison says. “Of course, everyone is different and you may have some spots that are tighter than others.”

The best option to improve flexibility is to stretch. “You should brush every day,” says Dr. Elson. “It should be like brushing your teeth.” Stretch after a workout or walk, after a hot shower, or as a break from long periods of sitting.”

Adopt a full-body stretching program that targets all major areas and moves your limbs through their full range of motion. (See the Beginner's Stretching Routine for an example of “pulling it up”.)

“You can do a full routine in about five to 10 minutes,” says Dr. Elson. “You can even split parts throughout the day.”

Supplementing your day by day stretching routine with yoga, tai chi, or stretching classes at a community center can further improve flexibility. “They offer routines that can help you focus on your tightest areas, especially your back and hips,” says Dr. Elson.

Pull it out.

This four-move stretching routine can enable you improve your flexibility. Extend to a degree of sunshine tension, without bouncing. Your stretch should all the time feel good, so for those who feel any pain, back off and don't attempt to push through it. Hold each stretch for about 10 to 30 seconds.

Repeat the described sequence two to 4 times for every stretch. As all the time, see your doctor or physical therapist for those who experience any pain or discomfort while performing these or every other stretches, as this might be an indication of an injury or other problem.

Downward dog

Targets: back, hamstrings, calves

Place yourself on all fours (hands and knees on the ground) along with your hands shoulder-width apart, legs hip-width apart, and toes prolonged.

Exhale as you lift your knees off the ground, straighten your legs without locking your knees until you're in an inverted V.

Keep your neck and spine of their natural alignment, along with your biceps next to your ears. Distribute your weight evenly between your hands and feet.

Press your heels into the ground while keeping your shoulders down. (If crucial, bend your knees barely and let your heels come off the ground.) Hold, then return to the starting position.

Standing chest and shoulder stretch

Targets: Chest, Shoulders, Biceps

Stand at arm's length from the door, away from it.

Extend your left arm and place your left hand on the sting of the door frame, just under shoulder level, palm facing forward and touching the door frame. Keep your shoulders down and back.

Slowly twist your body to the suitable, away from the door frame, until you are feeling a stretch in your chest and shoulder.

If pulling is just too difficult, rest your arm on the door frame.

Hold the stretch, then return to the starting position. Repeat on the opposite side to finish one rep.

Floor pretzels

Targets: Buttocks, Hips, Thighs

Lie in your back along with your right knee bent and right foot flat on the ground. Rest your left ankle on top of your right knee. It should point towards your left knee. Grasp the back of your right thigh with each hands.

Keep your shoulders down and back, resting them against the ground. Slowly lift your right foot off the ground until you are feeling a stretch in your left hip and buttocks. Hold, then return to starting position.

Repeat along with your left knee bent and your right ankle resting in your left knee.

If it is just too difficult to carry your thigh with each hands, put a strap or towel across the back of your thigh and hold each ends.

Double knee torso rotation

Targets: Back, Chest, Hips, Thighs

Lie in your back along with your knees bent and feet together, flat on the ground. Place your arms at shoulder level on all sides, palms up.

Tighten your abdominal muscles and lift each knees toward your chest, then lower them together to the left side. Get on the ground or as close as possible.

With your shoulders relaxed and pressed into the ground, look in the wrong way. Feel the expansion in your chest and torso.

To come out, bring each knees back to center and return your right foot, then your left foot, to the ground. Repeat the stretch in the wrong way.

Photo: © Mladen Zivkovic/Getty Images