"The groundwork of all happiness is health." - Leigh Hunt

Oppositional Defiant Disorder: Signs, Symptoms and Treatments

Oppositional defiant disorder (ODD) is a behavioral disorder by which a toddler displays a pattern of offended or resentful moods, defiant or combative behavior, and vindictiveness toward authority figures. The child's behavior often disrupts his or her on a regular basis life, including activities inside the family and at college.

It's not unusual for kids – especially those of their “terrible twos” and early teens – to withstand authority sometimes. They may express their resistance by arguing, disobeying, or contradicting their parents, teachers, or other adults. If this behavior persists for greater than 6 months and is more extreme than what's typical for the kid's age, it might mean that the kid is affected by ODD.

Estimates suggest that 2 to 16% of youngsters and adolescents suffer from ODD. In younger children, this disorder is more common in boys. In teenage years it occurs about equally in girls and boys. It normally begins at age 8.

Many children and adolescents with ODD also produce other behavioral problems equivalent to attention deficit disorder, learning difficulties, mood disorders (e.g. depression), and anxiety disorders. Some children with oppositional defiant disorder develop a more serious behavioral disorder called conduct disorder. With conduct disorder, a toddler exhibits antisocial behavior equivalent to bullying, stealing, and cruelty toward animals and folks.

Sometimes it might be difficult to inform the difference between a strong-willed child and a toddler who's showing symptoms of oppositional defiant disorder. Here are some signs to look out for:

  • Repeated tantrums
  • Excessive arguing with adults, especially those in authority
  • Active refusal to comply with requests and rules
  • Attempting to harass or annoy others, or being easily annoyed by others
  • Blaming others for his or her mistakes
  • Frequent outbursts of anger and resentment
  • To be malicious and seek revenge
  • Swearing or using obscene language
  • When you're upset, you say mean and hateful things
  • Exhibited vengeful behavior (attempted to harm others) not less than twice within the last 6 months.

Additionally, many children with ODD are moody, easily frustrated, and have low self-esteem. They can also abuse drugs and alcohol.

The exact explanation for ODD will not be known, but a mixture of biological, genetic and environmental aspects may contribute to the condition.

  • Brain chemistry: ODD has been linked to certain sorts of brain chemicals, or neurotransmitters, not functioning properly. Neurotransmitters help nerve cells within the brain communicate with one another. When these chemicals don't function properly, messages may not go through the brain properly, resulting in symptoms of ODD and other mental illnesses.
  • Other differences within the brain: Some studies suggest that defects or injuries to certain areas of the brain can result in serious behavioral problems in children.
  • Temperament: Children who've difficulty controlling their emotions are at higher risk of affected by ODD.
  • Family history: Many children and adolescents with ODD have close relations with mental illnesses, including mood disorders, anxiety disorders, and personality disorders. This suggests that the danger of developing this condition could also be inherited.
  • Family problems: Things like dysfunctional home life, substance abuse, and inconsistent discipline from parents or other authority figures can contribute to the event of behavioral problems.
  • Peers: Attention from peers or others can sometimes reinforce strange behaviors.

Like adults, mental illnesses in children are diagnosed based on symptoms that indicate a particular illness, equivalent to ODD. If symptoms are present, the doctor will begin the assessment by conducting an entire medical history and physical examination. Although there are not any laboratory tests to specifically diagnose ODD, the doctor may sometimes perform tests equivalent to neuroimaging studies or blood tests if they think that there could also be a medical reason for the behavioral problems occurring. The doctor can even search for signs of other conditions which are often related to this disorder, equivalent to ADHD and depression.

If the doctor cannot discover a physical cause for the symptoms, he or she is going to likely refer the kid to a toddler and adolescent psychiatrist or psychologist, mental health professionals who're specifically trained to diagnose and treat mental illness in children and adolescents. Psychiatrists and psychologists use specially designed interview and assessment tools to screen a toddler for a mental illness. The doctor bases his diagnosis on reports of the kid's symptoms and observations of the kid's attitude and behavior. The doctor must often depend on reports from the kid's parents, teachers, and other adults because children often have difficulty explaining their problems or understanding their symptoms.

Treatment is dependent upon many aspects, including the kid's age, the severity of symptoms, and the kid's ability to take part in and tolerate certain therapies. Treatment normally consists of a mixture of the next measures:

  • Psychotherapy: This kind of counseling goals to assist the kid develop simpler coping, social and problem-solving skills, in addition to ways to specific and control their anger. A kind of therapy called cognitive behavioral therapy goals to alter the kid's considering (cognition) so as to improve his behavior.
  • Family therapy: This is used to enhance interactions and communication between relations. A special therapy technique called Parent leadership training (PMT) provides parents with opportunities to positively change their child's behavior. This could involve developing contracts between parent and child that provide rewards for positive behavior and consequences (punishments) for negative behavior.
  • Medication: While there isn't any officially approved medication to treat ODD, a physician may prescribe medication to treat symptoms equivalent to impulsivity. Sometimes a toddler with ODD needs medication for other mental health conditions they can also have, equivalent to ADHD or depression.

Strategies to try at home in case your child suffers from ODD:

  • Praise certain positive behaviors. Tell your child what you particularly liked about what she or he did, moderately than simply saying a general “Good job.” Offer rewards for good behavior, especially for younger children.
  • Assign tasks. Give clear instructions and use them to bolster good behavior.
  • Model the behavior what you desire to see in your child. Make sure you don't yell at your child or other relations.
  • Avoid power struggles. Choose your battles. You don't need to react to every part.
  • Set boundaries. Give clear instructions and bounds. Follow a consistent schedule and routine.
  • spend time Do things together that you simply each enjoy. Also plan time for the entire family to do fun things together.
  • Teach your child Expressing anger or disappointment without hurting others. Let them know that it's okay to get upset, but to not throw things, for instance.
  • Expect resistance out of your child. At least initially, they might not respond positively to those changes at home. But when you remain consistent, behavior should improve.

Children or teens with ODD often have problems at home, at college, and of their personal lives. This can result in:

  • Poor performance at college or work
  • Antisocial behavior
  • Difficulty controlling impulses
  • Alcohol or drug problems
  • Suicide

Children with ODD often have or develop other mental illnesses, including:

  • Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
  • behavioral disorder
  • depression
  • Fear
  • Learning disorders
  • Communication disorders

If began early, treatment is normally effective. If your child shows signs of ODD, it can be crucial to hunt the assistance of a certified mental health skilled immediately. Without treatment, children with ODD may face rejection from classmates and other peers on account of their behavioral problems and poor social skills.

Studies have shown that 67% of youngsters diagnosed with ODD not experience symptoms inside 3 years of diagnosis. Another 30% of youngsters later develop a behavioral disorder. The risk of developing a behavioral disorder increases if the kid was diagnosed with ODD at preschool age.

In preschool children, there may be evidence that early intervention in the shape of Head Start programs or home visits to high-risk families may help prevent ODD. For older children, social skills training or training in conflict resolution or anger management could also be helpful, but results are mixed.

Although it will not be all the time possible to forestall this disorder, recognizing and treating symptoms after they first appear can ease the burden on the kid and family and forestall most of the problems related to the disease. Providing a nurturing and supportive home environment with a balance of affection and discipline will help with symptoms and forestall episodes of defiant behavior. Family members can learn what to do if symptoms recur.

Oppositional defiant disorder is a behavioral disorder by which a toddler or adolescent is often offended or upset, defiant, and combative toward authority figures equivalent to parents and teachers. Typically, treatment involves a mixture of kid counseling, family therapy, parent education, and sometimes medication.

Is ODD a type of autism?

There is plenty of overlap between the behaviors of youngsters with ODD and people of youngsters with autismTherefore, it might be difficult to find out which condition a toddler has. Few studies have been conducted on the connection between autism and ODD, so this requires further research. Some experts consider that ODD could possibly be a symptom of autism in some children, although other children who wouldn't have autism could also be diagnosed with ODD.

Is ODD a type of ADHD?

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is essentially the most common psychiatric disorder that also affects children with oppositional defiant disorder. However, researchers consider that ADHD and ODD are separate disorders.