An estimated 70% of adults within the United States are obese or obese based on body mass index (BMI), a calculation that takes each height and weight into consideration.
Standard definitions consider a healthy BMI to be between 18.5 and 24.9, 25 to 29.9 as obese, and 30 and above as obese. (Calculate your BMI using This online tool.)
Although removed from perfect, BMI provides a rough idea of ​​whether someone's weight could also be causing problems. Studies have shown that a BMI over 25 increases your risk of heart disease, diabetes and a few kinds of cancer.
But what for those who've only placed on just a little extra weight in recent times — say, five kilos or so — and your BMI doesn't fall into the obese category? Is this still a priority?
Yet the largest risk is the potential for much more weight gain. “It's easy for five pounds to quickly turn into 10 pounds and then 15 pounds, and as the weight increases, so do the health risks,” says Dr. Willett.
Why do you gain weight?
It is normal for men to realize some weight as they age. Metabolism naturally slows down, and lean muscle mass steadily decreases, each of which cause the body to burn calories at a slower rate. In addition, most men devour more calories per day than they need. “When you take in extra calories and don't burn them, they will be stored as fat,” says Dr. Willett.
But where you store extra fat is the true problem with weight gain.
Based on its location, fat could be defined as either subcutaneous or visceral. Subcutaneous fat is positioned slightly below the skin. Visceral fat is deep inside the abdominal cavity and pads the spaces between your abdominal organs.
Of the 2, visceral fat is more dangerous, as high amounts are linked to heart disease risk aspects resembling hypertension, high blood sugar, and high levels of cholesterol. Do you’ve an excessive amount of visceral fat? Check your waist size. “For men, a waist of 40 inches or more is considered a sign of visceral fat,” says Dr. Willett. “But even a small change in your clothing, like pants that now feel stuck in your waistband or having to change the notches in your belt, are signs of increased visceral fat.”
What is your ideal weight?
There is not any one-size-fits-all number for an individual's ideal weight. The number is determined by age, genetics, body frame, medical history, and average weight as a young adult.
“Your BMI can give you an indication of whether you need to lose extra weight, but consulting with your doctor can help determine your ideal healthy weight range,” says Dr. Willett. say
Still, you shouldn't ignore even small weight changes. “For many men, a little weight gain may be normal, but that doesn't mean they should just accept it and not do anything about it,” says Dr. Willett. “It's easier to make minor adjustments now than to wait until you're overweight.”
You can put those extra kilos back on with a mix of aerobic exercise, strength training, and a healthy weight loss plan.
Experts recommend a minimum of half-hour of moderate aerobic exercise (eg, brisk walking, running, swimming, or cycling) most days of the week, along with maintaining muscle mass and strength. Therefore, a minimum of two weekly weight or resistance training sessions are advisable. To avoid putting on extra kilos, follow a weight loss plan that prioritizes plant-based foods, resembling the Mediterranean or DASH weight loss plan.
Photo: © Tetra Images/Getty Images
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