"The groundwork of all happiness is health." - Leigh Hunt

Silent prayer outside abortion clinics is a type of reproductive repression.

Christian prayer is usually an unchallenged activity in Britain, often framed as benign and even positive. But in some contexts, prayer will be experienced as intimidating, especially when it’s perceived as “out of place” or when the motives for prayer are questioned.

It's perhaps no surprise, then, that praying outside abortion clinics is usually misunderstood. British people.

In the context of the laws – which has been passed but Not yet implemented – To prevent activity within the vicinity of all abortion clinics within the UK, anti-abortion campaigners He reacted stronglyarguing that legislating against silent prayer would violate them. Human rights.

But anti-abortion activities at clinic sites within the UK vary widely and should not limited to practices of silent prayer. Our research Anti-abortion activism in Britain has shown that what happens during protests can change from hour to hour, depending on who’s there.

Some protesters will try to have interaction with patients, others recite prayers – either aloud or silently – while others may hold banners or candles. Some may distribute booklets or rosary beads.

Many anti-abortion activists Discussion That praying outside abortion clinics gives women selection and support, and could be especially vital if those women were being coerced into having an abortion.

However, activists' deeply held religious objections to abortion can often prevent them from perceiving the threat and harm. They can cause. Their position also ignores that pressuring someone to proceed a pregnancy can be a type of coercion.

Are you only praying?

Abortion UK signs outside abortion clinics.
Photo credits: Pam Lowe and Sarah Jane Page, Provided by the writer (not reused).

Although many anti-abortion activists say they’re “just praying,” women who reach out to abortion services do not know concerning the intentions of anti-abortion activists. For example, there are numerous women. Worried or afraid Because they don't understand how far the employees will go to attempt to stop them from going to the clinic.

Anti-abortion activists often deny that threats are ever made, but as a part of our research fieldwork we’ve seen women always harassed and short-ranged. are followed, even when the protest event is advertised as a “peaceful prayer vigil”.

While physical violence amongst anti-abortion activists, clinic users, or most of the people is rare, It still happens. Such events will not be initiated by anti-abortion activists, and sometimes protesters could also be subjected to violence and harassment by others.

But the presence of anti-abortion activists outside the clinic makes the place intimidating. Increases risk of possible violence.

It also affects lives negatively. Local residents Who discuss their concerns about not knowing the motivations of random strangers hanging around their homes, especially when it's dark.

It is just not just abnormal individuals who recognize the negative effects of anti-abortion activism. We have Interviewed Christians. Those who oppose abortion but nevertheless recognize that staying outside abortion clinics is just not only incorrect but an “abuse of prayer.”

This view is just not only common people. We also found Some Catholic priests didn’t support prayer outside abortion clinics.

A priest and an anti-abortion protester pray outside a UK abortion clinic in 2019.
Photo credits: Pam Lowe and Sarah Jane Page, Provided by the writer (not reused).

Public shaming

To draw public attention to abortion. The center of rationality By standing outside an anti-abortion activist's abortion clinic, anti-abortion activists invite passers-by to take notice of the service and its users. The purpose of the protest is to make a personal health decision a public spectacle.

While there is a big majority within the UK. Support access to abortionit stays Disgrace. Standing outside clinics, anti-abortion activists try to encourage public shaming as a option to stop abortions.

These two principal points – individual intimidation and public embarrassment – have been recognized in UK courts which have sought to keep up buffer zones already in place in some areas.

gave The Supreme Court It was recognized that the human rights of anti-abortion activists in Northern Ireland were limited after they were prevented from leaving the abortion service, but this was a essential and proportionate measure to guard the rights of girls in search of abortions. There was motion. It is particularly ironic that anti-abortion activists complain concerning the lack of their freedoms while attempting to restrict them. Freedom of others was noted.

Anti-abortion activists may claim that they’re out of clinics to assist women, but our research shows that their actions are a type of reproductive oppression. Their prayers, including silent prayers, are a central a part of this strategy.

They need to acknowledge that their actions are literally subjecting women to individual intimidation and public shaming, and so they have to take their prayers elsewhere.