"The groundwork of all happiness is health." - Leigh Hunt

Worried about sleep apnea? Home-based testing is now the norm

If your bedmate complains about your loud snoring, it might be a nuisance — or something more serious. Rapid respiratory is punctuated by grunts, gasps, and short pauses in respiratory.

Although the condition most frequently occurs in men over 40 who're obese or obese, it could actually affect people of all ages and sizes. The resulting daytime sleepiness—a direct results of not getting enough high-quality sleep—could make people moody and forgetful. Even more alarming: Car accidents are two to 3 times more common in individuals with sleep apnea. Lack of sleep also can raise blood pressure and increase the danger of coronary artery disease, heart rhythm disorders, heart failure, and stroke.

What is the stop bang test for sleep apnea?

The handy acronym for Stop Bang can assist you resolve whether it's clever to refer to a physician about getting a sleep study to find out whether or not you've insomnia. It helps to get input from someone who sleeps you.

A “yes” answer to 3 or more of those questions suggests possible sleep deprivation. Ask your doctor in the event you must have a sleep study.


Snoring: Have you been told you snore?


Tired: Do you frequently feel drained through the day?


obstacle: Do in the event you stop respiratory briefly if you sleep, or has anyone noticed it?


Pressure: Do you've hypertension or take medication for hypertension?


Body Mass Index (BMI): Is your BMI 30 or above? (For a calculator, see /BMI.)


age: Are you 50 or older?


Neck: Is your neck circumference greater than 16 inches (women) or 17 inches (men)?


Genre: are you male

Sleep monitoring might be done at home

So, in the event you suspect you've sleep apnea, ask your doctor for a diagnosis. Or in case your medical health insurance lets you see a specialist and not using a referral, you possibly can start there as a substitute. “Sleep specialists are better versed in insurance-related barriers, and they know how to order tests to avoid complications and delays in care,” says Dr. Javehri.

For the test, you'll need a small, lightweight monitor, a belt you'll slip around your midsection, a small finger clip that monitors your oxygen, and a tube placed under your nose. An airflow sensor for These sensors and devices measure your oxygen saturation, heart rate, and airflow, in addition to the movements of your chest and abdomen and your position when you sleep.

A primary advantage of home-based testing is cost, which runs between $150 and $500 in comparison with testing done in a sleep laboratory, which usually tops $1,000. But the perfect part about home sleep tests is the convenience. You sleep in your individual bed, not an unfamiliar hospital bed, and you are taking tests based in your schedule. However, you'll have to get a monitor from the hospital's sleep lab, and also you'll need to wait a couple of weeks to get it. Later, in the event you're diagnosed with sleep apnea, home-based tests also give your doctor a simple method to know the way well your treatment is working.