"The groundwork of all happiness is health." - Leigh Hunt

What are puberty blockers? What are the advantages and risks for transgender children?

Antidepressants are drugs that prevent the body from producing estrogen and testosterone. In the clinic, they’re called gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonists (GnRHa).

If teenagers take these drugs during puberty, the physical changes related to puberty are prevented. If these drugs are discontinued, these physical changes resume.

Puberty inhibitors have been used. Since the early 1980s For the treatment of early puberty in young children.

Started in the 1990s.Puberty blockers have also been utilized in transgender adolescents to assist prevent the unwanted development of male or female body changes that occur during puberty.

What are the advantages for transgender teens?

Many transgender children Describe the problem About the unwanted physical changes that can occur as a result of puberty, especially as puberty approaches.

For these women at birth, these unwanted changes include breast development and the onset of periods. For males at birth, these unwanted changes can include a deeper voice, an Adam's apple, facial hair and male body development.

Many of those physical changes are irreversible and not only consequential Gender dysphoria But also a misunderstanding. This is when transgender individuals are mistakenly assigned the gender they were assigned at birth. Misgendering could be significant and lifelong. source of suffering.

Some transgender people will seek surgery to take care of these unwanted irreversible changes. It may very well be masculinizing their chest, feminizing their face, changing their voice, or reducing their Adam's apple.

For transgender youth and their families, puberty blockers have essentially the most obvious advantages. Avoid unwanted changes which include puberty. It may also reduce misalignment and forestall the necessity for surgery in the longer term.

Puberty inhibitors may reduce mis-gendering.

Several studies have evaluated the potential advantages of puberty blockers. Oh 2024 systematic review Research has found consistent evidence showing that they effectively suppress puberty.

Identification of study review authors Highest quality Significantly improved psychological outcomes were found. Puberty blockers reduced suicidal thoughts and actions in transgender adolescents in comparison with those that didn’t access treatment.

When should puberty blockers be began?

Puberty inhibitors can only be began after puberty begins. The age at which this happens varies considerably between individuals. To avoid unwanted physiological changes, puberty blockers should ideally be began in early to middle puberty.

However, many transgender adolescents are began on puberty blockers late in puberty and even after puberty.

i EnglandFor example, a minimum of 12 months of anti-puberty treatment was previously mandatory for any transgender youth under the age of 18 who desired to access estrogen or testosterone. As a result, many young men begin to stop puberty after they reach puberty.

A possible problem with stopping puberty starting after early or middle puberty is that unwanted physical changes have already occurred, so lots of the advantages of the treatment are not any longer expected.

Recent A systematic review on puberty blockers noted that, while many studies found improvements in psychological well-being, others did not see a difference. One possible explanation is that none of those studies were for the stage of puberty at which treatment was initiated.

specifically, A recent study from Harvard University Analysis limited to treatment with puberty blockers in early to middle puberty. It found that treatment was related to significant reductions in anxiety, depression and suicidal thoughts.

The Risks of Stopping Puberty for Transgender Adolescents

Puberty inhibitors are generally well tolerated. But as with every medical intervention, they may also cause Undesirable effects. This includes decreased bone density and fertility and changes in adult height.

When began after early to middle puberty, they usually tend to have menopausal unintended effects, corresponding to hot flashes. This is as a result of the decrease within the production of sex hormones.

The girl looks at her father warmly.
Puberty inhibitors are generally well tolerated but include potential unintended effects.
Elena Ozirova/Shutterstock

Puberty blockers even have potential long-term effects which can be still being investigated.

During adolescence, the brain matures considerably. But it's still unclear what effect puberty blockers might need on cognitive development. While puberty blockers are utilized in the early onset of puberty. Not shown affecting academic performance, Studies in transgender adolescents are ongoing.

Where are the randomized controlled trials of puberty blockers?

Randomized controlled trials It is mostly considered the gold standard method for studying the effectiveness of medical interventions.

To date, there have been no randomized controlled trials of puberty blockers for transgender adolescents, leading some to call the treatment experimental. nonetheless, Conducting such trials of hormonal interventions This is problematic in transgender youth, as it will be unethical to withhold treatment for research purposes.

Lack of information from randomized controlled trials is common in pediatric care. More broadly. The use of puberty blockers for early puberty shows an identical research gap.

However, trans youth politics has placed using puberty blockers amongst transgender adolescents at a distinct standard.

How are puberty blockers accessed in numerous clinical settings?

i Britainpuberty blockers will now be the one Access by transgender adolescents A research setting was conducted by the National Health Service (NHS), following the adoption of the recommendations of the Cass review, which assessed the gender identity services available to children and young people through the NHS.

A significant criticism of the review was that it failed to contemplate the potential harms of transgender adolescents refusing hormonal interventions.

In Australia, health experts have also cautioned against comparing our health system to the NHS and have highlighted that lots of the review's recommendations are consistent with current practices inside Australian specialist gender services.

In Australia puberty blockers are accessed by transgender adolescents as a part of a comprehensive, team-based approach to gender affirming care. It emphasizes holistic, individualized care that considers the young person's stage of puberty, while balancing potential advantages and risks.